February 7, 2011
Dear Dear [redacted names], Andan [in handwritten cursive over my name, “Andy” to mark that this was the copy to send to me] -
This is to let you know that Nadine and I have donated to George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon, the following framed works of art:
We believe these were all originally aquired by the families of Juliette Saffarrens and/or John Benton David M.D. (husband and wife) who were early pioneers to the Chehalem Mountain area (Newberg, Springbrook and Gibos) of the northern Willamette Valley as early as the 1840’s. These steel engravings, all of an image size of about 36" x 24" and a frame size of about 52" x 40", were eventually inherited by Frank Edward and Halcyon Videlia David Hobson, one of the five children of Juliette and John. Frank’s grandparents and other family were early Quaker pioneers in the Chehalem Mountain area and instrumental in founding Pacific College, the predecessor of George Fox University.
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