Hail SatanšŸ¤˜

The logo of The Satanic Temple; a simplified goat skull overlaid on a reversed pentacle within two concentric circles. The letters T, S and T are spaced around the top 3 spaces between the points of the pentacle. Overall, the color scheme is a rising black to red linear gradient and all lines figures and lettering are in white.

So, it’s been a minute and shit has gone down, hasn’t it. I think that’s a bipartisan - as we Americans say - thing we can all agree on.

I’m definitely in the camp that much, much less of that shit is good as opposed to bad. When I said it actually is Good vs A Terrible Evil this time it is no surprise to me that the events unfolding solidly support that. I say that because the most venal, brutal, inept, grifting, unqualified and stupid people are being put in charge. This is not surprising since this is what is at the very top of the Administration in Herr FĆ¼hrer Trumpf. I mean, casually suggesting an ethic cleansing of Gaza while his knock-off-Jello-molded son-in-law eyes a potentially lucrative Mediterranean waterfront with pockets full of Saudi money is some transparently genocide for profit shit.

But, you know, “very fine people” and all that.

Christ, what are we doing here.

Well, for one, a bunch of folks who profess to do stuff in Christ’s name instead of maybe the way of Christ pull the lever for a felon who as a (putative!) billionaire could do a lot but instead absolutely doesn’t for the least among us, and rejects the stranger by military aircraft instead of pulling it for the churchish, competent, qualified lady. I know fine people who are true representatives of Christ’s message (basically, it’s “be nice, don’t be an asshole though that should follow from the first thing, and treat others like you would want to be treated in your hour of direst need, every minute of your life”, I think. It’s not that hard to grasp) - and this nice Bishop seems like a sterling example of that, though I know her not but only of her - along with a bunch of people who wanted to slam the door they themselves came through (I mean immigration. And don’t @ me with “but, legal” ‘cause a) legal immigration should be VASTLY expanded and should have already covered the millions of undocumented who are solidly part of the tax base, our communities and critically of the backbone of America’s pandemic economic recovery b) you can see what this administration is already doing with legal immigration , can’t you? Yeah) and wanted cheaper eggs (ALL TIME HIGH, BAYBEE! USA! USA! USA! booyah!).

But, I am not a religious person. Nevertheless, I’ve been sending Christmas-time donations to a church for years, and now felt like the right time to formally join it. Because, allying myself with the Ultimate Rebelā„¢ļø seemed like the right thing to do with what’s going down and how I feel. That’s right, this post will end with “So, I joined The Satanic Temple yo”.

I’m really looking forward to framing my membership certificate.

Also the Baphomet statue on the lawn of the Arkansas capital after their Legislature put the Ten Commandments on it first was really fucking funny and an excellent point and that kind of thing is an excellent use of my money.

One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s will alone. Bans off our bodies and don’t you fucking dare use corporal punishment on my kid.

Hail, Satan.

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