Hugo themes/hyde-hyde Font Awesome v5 -> v6

This is a “local copy” of my post.

This journey started with wanting to add a icon and link to my Hugo site (hyde-hyde theme).

Here’s an approximate ordination of my journey and my solution.

  1. try just adding three lines to my <website>/layouts/partials/sidebar/social.html e.g.
{{ with }}
    <a href="{{.}}" rel="me"><i class="fab fa-bluesky fa-lg" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>`
    {{ end }}

Kinda works. I get an icon that’s a circle with an animated ‘?’ in it. This isn’t going to cut it. Obviously some awareness is missing… hmm…

  1. A hazy memory says these come from something called “font awesome”. Google “font awesome” and find very obviously-named site, .
  2. poke around there and to find the Bluesky app icon , do web searches using the code in social.html, etc.. No dice.
  3. Remember that in the page code there’s a fontawesome reference. Go find that in Terminal on my Mac with find -X . -type file | xargs fontawesome and it turns out to be this (on many many pages, of course):
./public/page/3/index.html:  <script defer src="" integrity="sha384-b3ua1l97aVGAPEIe48b4TC60WUQbQaGi2jqAWM90y0OZXZeyaTCWtBTKtjW2GXG1" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  1. Ah. So what file has that in it? Let’s grep some more…ah there it is in the theme folder </website>/themes/hyde-hyde/layouts/partials/footer/font-awesome-js.html
  2. What’s in there… let’s cat it, assuming I’m lucky and it’s short… oh good, just one line!
<script defer src="" integrity="sha384-b3ua1l97aVGAPEIe48b4TC60WUQbQaGi2jqAWM90y0OZXZeyaTCWtBTKtjW2GXG1" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  1. Wonder if I’m getting the most recent feed… nope, Font Awesome page for the free level Bluesky icon hints that v6.5.2 is newest.
  2. Oooh, I bet the right url for the free v6.5.2 feed is isn’t it… Yep!
  3. OK, I can replace that bit of the string that specifies the version number easy. What’s this integrity= thing, looks like a checksum, so I’m going to need one that matches the current feed… Let’s Google… Ah, this Reddit post leads me to the SRI Hash Generator . Let’s put in that feed url. Hey! Lookit that.
<script src="" integrity="sha384-QvGJBgkqeVjFCXW39Q3psy0yEymI5WTMC5V+6LnvmNIeDfvGo1AI/j0AlTrID9lQ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  1. Let’s copy that font-awesome-js.html to my own website for customization as <website>/layouts/partials/footer/font-awesome-js.html then replace the contents with the output from SRI Hash Generator.
  2. SWEET SAM IN THE MORNING! IT WORKS! /post_images/working-bluesky-icon.png|466x186
  3. OK, got an icon, and it clicks through to correctly, but not to my user page. Hrm. I bet the internal param isn’t there. I wonder if I specify the username as the whole URL string for my page after as the user name in config.toml
## Social Accounts
   bluesky = 'profile/'
  1. Victory! The pretty new icon clicks right through to my user page.

Hope this helps someone else trying to figure this out. I’m a CSS novice (I cut my teeth on HTML 1.0 when it was new, and, uh, have not kept up…) so I feel pretty good about figuring this out.


Addendum: It occurs to me belatedly that I only had to do this because I haven’t kept the theme source up to date, but I haven’t checked that… OK, looking at the hyde-hyde site it doesn’t look like that’s the issue, heh. no shade to @htr3n , they clearly got busy with Stuff. It’s still a solid theme and I’m happy using it. Thanks!

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