Don't shoot people, obviously. Jul 13, 2024 Political violence is not acceptable. ...
It actually is Good vs. A Terrible Evil this time. Jul 7, 2024 Pick the Democrat or lose democracy. ...
Steam Engine Minisforum HX99G: Update 01: Starfield Apr 21, 2024 Setting up a cheap ChimeraOS Steam console. ...
Getting a Let's Encrypt cert for pfSense web UI Apr 13, 2024 Configuring an automated Acme cert renewal on pfSense. ...
AWU takes action around the Jan 2024 layoffs. Jan 20, 2024 Letter writing campaigns can work. Let me tell you about the beehive I bumped over. ...
Yes it was an insurrection, Ross. Jan 14, 2024 It's tempting to do some rhyming but I'll stop at pointing out a bad take. ...
I Still Have a Job Jan 11, 2024 Google did a layoff. Again. Almost continually, actually. ...
Recreational frustration in home systems administration: Netgate pfSense and ssh blocking. Default deny, denied?! Jan 8, 2024 I'm not sure this is WAI, and it took more elbow grease and brow sweat than I expected, but that's the arrogance of remembering you can do stuff but being out of practice doing it. ...
Fenvi FV-AXE3000Pro Wifi problems (solved) Jan 7, 2024 Installing gotcha for the Fenvi FV-AXE3000Pro on a Windows PC ...
What's Freedom? Jul 24, 2022 The political right is misrepresenting freedom and I'm tired of it. ...